


Growing up, Michael experienced firsthand the limited access of lower income students to vital educational resources. Extremely apparent to Michael was the significant barrier for students like himself interested in business, leadership and entrepreneurship. Michael, along with other students who couldn’t afford expensive business camps, had few ways to learn about opportunities or skills in these areas. Michael founded TILE – Talks on Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship. TILE produces free, live experiences worldwide that gather communities and make leadership and business more accessible to underserved youth. In less than two years, TILE is the world’s largest speaker series entirely run by students. With 66 chapters already established in 14 countries, TILE is also one of the world’s fastest growing business education-focused nonprofit organizations, gaining at least one chapter per week. By the end of the year, they estimate to directly educate more than 40,000 individuals. Not only do TILE conferences enlighten and educate attendees, but by guiding students to create their own chapters and events, they also empower them with valuable leadership skills and experience. Michael plans to become the largest educational resource for high school students interested in business and hopes to reach at least 100 chapters around the world. 

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Evan Wei-Haas